Following up on my last post, here is some information about what kind of military changes are happening in South Kivu.
According to UN sources, only around 6,000 troops will be concerned by the restructuring in the province, the remaining troops will remain under the control of Amani Leo command for the near future.
The new orders will create five regiments, each composed of two battalions and totalling 1,200 soldiers each. The regiments will come under the administrative control of the 10th military region based in Bukavu, and under the direct operational control of army headquarters in Kinshasa. This means that troops in South Kivu will continue to be managed by parallel chains of command – they get their fuel and food from Bukavu, their deployment orders from Kinshasa while neighboring units come under Amani Leo command.
Each regiment will be given a training staff of 10 officers for a period of three months to improve their performance and cohesion.
The location of the regiments will probably be in: Katana (Kalehe territory), Kavumu (Kabare), Nzibira (Walungu), Luberizi (Uvira) and Fizi (Fizi) – in other words along the eastern edge of South Kivu province. Other army units will deploy to fill the holes these battalions leave.