Some news items of interest:
- The MLC party has changed leadership – Thomas Luhaka, the former executive secretary, will be taking over the Francois Mwamba, the former secretary general. There has been wrangling within the party due to Mwamba’s perceived challenge to Jean-Pierre Bemba, who continues to be the MLC president despite his imprisonment in The Hague.
- There has been some criticism of electoral commission president Daniel Mulunda Ngoy, who visited Togo last week. He said he was bringing a personal message from President Kabila, which some critics thought undermined his credibility as impartial head of the electoral commission.
- The Rwandan government has accused business magnate Tribert Rujugiro of helping funnel military aid to an anti-Kigali rebellion in the Kivus. Rujugiro, who was one of the main financial backers of the RPF until recently, has not returned to Kigali since last year, and has been associated with other RPF dissidents Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa and Col. Patrick Karegeya. The Rwandan government impounded eight vehicles purchased by Rujugiro’s Supermatch company that were on their way to Goma.