Our Research
UDPS, yoka base ! The difficult quest to build a grassroots-led party
National Politics
All that glitters: The struggle over Congolese gold
Violent Conflict
Le déploiement du contingent angolais relèvera-t-il le défi du désarmement du M23 ?
A Majority of Congolese Reject East African Community Regional Force
Violent Conflict
Congo Siasa: Discrimination and the M23 rebellion
Violent Conflict
Kabila, Tshisekedi, and the War of Appearances
National Politics
GoE report – why knowing the facts isn’t enough
Violent Conflict
Elections in the Tshisekedi Era: A Bad Start?
National Politics
All the President's Wealth
CRG examined the business networks of the country’s most powerful elected official, President Joseph Kabila, and his family.
The Catholic Church in the DRC: A Neutral Arbiter or at the Heart of Protest?
National Politics
Should we talk about the FDLR every time we talk about the M23?
Violent Conflict
Uganda’s Operation Shujaa in the Democratic Republic of Congo: fighting the ADF or Securing Economic Interests?
Violent Conflict
Réconciliation Katumbi – Kabila, et après ?
Tshisekedi et les FARDC : des accusations, mais peu de réformes
Violent Conflict
Vers l’acquittement de Kamerhe ?
National Politics
Kivu Security Tracker
The Kivu Security Tracker maps violence, analyzes trends, and documents human rights violations in Eastern Congo.